NCERT, on behalf of the Ministry of Education (MoE) has initiated National Yoga Olympiad to promote yoga in schools. National Yoga Olympiad was started in 2016 as a follow up to the International Day of Yoga observed on June 21st. Promotion of Yoga is an integral part of NCERT activities to strengthen our cultural moorings and our country’s heritage which has a long history with an emphasis on healthy and wholesome life. The National Education Policy 2020 envisions installing among learners a deeprooted pride in being Indian, not only in thought, but also in spirit and intellect. It is important that the younger generation is guided towards harmony, peace and love through yoga. This Olympiad help to develop an understanding of yogic practices, its application in life which in turn facilitates physical, emotional and mental development of children. It will also help in the development of healthy habits and human values in children. During the Yoga Olympiad, yogic practices like asanas, pranayama, kriya (cleansing process), dhyana (meditation) and bandha (only for secondary stage) are assessed.